Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Final Summary

Assistive Technology in the Classroom with Ms. Kenney was an interesting class. At first, I thought this class was unorganized and that I would have a hard time understanding the goals of the course. But as time progressed, I loved my unorganized classroom. The classroom activities, group work, projects, the use of different websites such as Wall Wisher and Glogster, sign language, guest speakers, battle rapping, and oral exams made my class experience well worth spending a Thursday evening in Proctor Hall.

I loved the way Ms. Kenney ran the classroom. The first couple of months were hard to understand but after awhile I got used to it. I loved Ms. Kenney's method of an exam. She stated that she hated giving tests and taking them so why would she give us an exam when there are other ways to access the knowledge of a student. The oral exam with a partner helped me learn about the different ways to assess a student.

My favorite parts of the class were the midterm project and the guest speakers. It was fun to see everyone's different projects. Even though it took forever, I can honestly say that I walked out of the classroom with knowledge of different low, medium, and high Assistve Technology devices. I also enjoyed the guest speakers that came to our classroom. It was hard to pay attention at times because it was during the week of homecoming. The highlight of that day was trying out all of the devices. My favorite device was the portable eye control device. It was really fun to actually try out the device and get a first hand experience of what individuals with physical disabilities go through.

The idea of keeping a blog for the class was entertaining. Since being at NC A&T, I was required to keep a blog for two other courses. I enjoyed writing because it made me feel as though I was writing in my own personal diary. I found this to be an assistive technology tool that I can use in my classroom if I decided to teach upper elementary grades.

Overall, I really enjoyed the course Assistive Technology in the Classroom. I enjoyed my classmates and my instructor Ms. Kenney. Before coming into this class, I have never heard the term "Assistive Technology". From leaving this class, I can tell you about assistive technology and examples. I loved the flexibility of the course and the activities that we did. As a future educator, I have learned not only how to implement Assistive Technology in the Classroom, but I have learned how to use each tool used.

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