Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Chapter 8: Assistive Technology for Computer Access

Chapter 8 focuses on low-tech technology. Low tech adaptations use no electronic components and are relatively low cost items. Some examples of low-tech assistive technology devices are keyboard labels, pointing devices, keyguards, moisture guards, magnifying lenses, and equipment to position computer components. The selecting/pointing device was very interesting. This device helps students who have physical disabilities that cannot use a finger or their hands at all to press a key on the keyboard. The pointing device can be brought or can be used as a "do it yourself" (DIY) by using a homemade dowel rod. Trackballs, joysticks, touch screen devices, head-pointing systems, and the eye gaze system was also mentioned in this chapter. These devices help students who have physical disabilities, who have difficulty with fine motor control, and visual impairments.

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