Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter Five: Computers and The Internet to Teach Math

While reading Chapter Five, I learned not only about the importance of mathematics in the classroom but about the way computer applications have an affect in the classroom. Not only has computers become an essential in the classroom but it is used as a tool for enhancing writing, reading, and now mathematics. The computer is a flexible tool that can enhance all student's learning. The computer provides students a meaningful learning experience. Students with disabilities can benefit from this learning experience. Students who have difficulity with memory, auditory processing, usual perception, language, internal motivation, or attention often finding it challenging to attend to a task that is without simulation. Computer use in the classroom can be engaging and provide motivation for students with disabilities. For students with math disabilities such as discalculia, they will have a hard time achieving automaticity and fluency. Automacy is defined as the first, accurate, and effortless processing of content information. Fluency is being able to solve the problems using the procedures given. In the reading it focused on types of math applications available to students that have problems with automacy and fluency. For our textbook assignment, we were to research and choose a type of math application that helps students attaining fluency. The application that I chose was Welcome to Math Playground. Math Playground was founded and created by a fourth grade teacher that teaches math. It started out as a website for her students but expanded to the public. This website is a fun way for students who aren't interested in math. It is also a fun way to practice basic math facts for all grade levels.

1 comment:

  1. The computer is not only helpful for math application but for all subjects. The internet is an important resource for students. The computer can provide a variety of applications to help meet the needs of the students. Being familiar with the internet and what it has to offer is very important.
